Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Baby, It's Cold Outside

black jacket/coat - thrifted // cardigan - Wal Mart // belt and hat- Forever 21 // backpack - secondhand //  tights - Target // lace top - Burlington // feather hair accessory - Rue21 // Docs - Urban Outfitters

In case you're wondering, I have a sticker on my face which basically says I voted - yay! for the first time mind you. I guess I'm getting old, which is cool and all, except I keep forgetting my age. And when I remember it I get immensely freaked out because I'm kind of an adult now (legally, anyway). Time flies really fast apparently.

It's been so cold these last few days. I'm talking winter cold, as a result I've been lighting candles and staying in watching Gossip Girl and Emily Owns M.D. and basically every CW show ever invented. d'oh! and midterms are over, gosh that gave me the biggest headache ever, but it's over and I'm relieved. 

I know all of this crazy weather is from the equally crazy storm. I hope all of you affected by Hurricane Sandy are now safe and warm, I'll be sending prayers your way <3

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mint Leather

pleather bomber jacket - secondhand // bracelet - Wal Mart // black hat and ring - Forever 21 // mint blouse - Rue21 // pleather pants and belt - Ross // dolphins hat - a gift

Today my mom woke me up and told me she was going to church, I was really confused because I thought it was Saturday...again. Obviously, midterms are messing with my head. But it's cool, because luckily, I have a calendar that says there can't be two Saturdays in a row for whatever reason. So anyway, enough rambling.

I found this jacket while rummaging through a lost and found bag at an elementary school (don't worry, the kid who owned it is probably like 65 now), I cleaned it up and now it's as good as new. I wasn't really a fan of bomber jackets on me but I've changed my mind.

Lastly, I appreciate all of your comments on my last post <3 I love sharing random photos, I also can't wait to share some yet to be started artwork with you and if I ever get around to it, a few piano covers. Enjoy your Sunday, lovely bloggers!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Downtown in the City

I took these (minus the first 2 of myself, which were taken by my lovely sister) on Saturday.  I love taking photos of random stuff, especially trains, and who knows how many pictures of food I have. I have so many things to show you lovelies but I've got midterms this week, meaning I'll be uber busy - but moving on to the awards ceremony!

- Thank the person who gave you the award and add a link to their blog in your post.
- Write 7 random things about yourself 
- Give the award to 15 other bloggers you love and tell them about it!

Thanks to the lovely Emma at Nuellasource for the award! I've gotten it before but never got around to properly accepting it. Anyway, here are the 7 random things about me.
1. I don't swear/curse
2. I like Chinese food a lot
3. My phone is a dinosaur
4. To an extent - I don't care for wearing pants. skirts and dresses ftw
5. I don't eat beef or ham or steak or anything of the sort except chicken
6. My favorite color is purple
7. I can beat you all in Smash Bro's
And since I am supposed to be doing schoolwork right now, I'm going to bend the rules of the award and nominate instead, only 4 other fantastic blogs:

 Oh Sweet Woods

Talk to you all soon!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Black and Gold

tops and belt - Forever 21 // skirt - thrifted // gold bracelet - Wal Mart // tights - Forever 21 // leather vest - thrifted // necklace and black & gold bracelet - African beauty store // bag - thrifted // boots - Urbanog

Hi lovelies! thought I should do a quick post now instead of my usual Sunday postings since I'll probably be really tired after church. 

This is like my favorite outfit everr; I've really been into wearing black lately, especially with gold accessories which is odd because 2 months ago I didn't like gold on me at all. whatevs though. I leave you with one of my favorite songs of last year, enjoy it here! oh and sorry if the color of the photos are a bit odd, I really can't tell since the brightness and colors on my monitor are whacky. bye now!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


velvet blouse thrifted for  $2.49
thrifted sweater for $2.49
Forever 21 pleated mesh skirt $12.48
Forever 21 wool hat $17.80
thrifted floral sweater $3.49

wet n' wild (CVS) lipstick $1.99
wet n' wild lipstick $1.99

The Civil Wars :)

Forever 21 dress $22.80

I cannot wait to wear these sweaters! As you can see, I really dig oversized clothing. and Barbie movies, I think I've watched every single Barbie movie there is. I got a lot more stuff, but I thought that would be way too much to show, this haul is big enough as it is. But I love everything that I purchased, I'm actually surprised I got more than one thing really - you wouldn't believe how cheap I can be.

I hope you all enjoy your week, I know most of you (including myself) are probably getting ready for midterms - good luck!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


shawl, jeans, and hat - Forever 21 // necklace - African beauty store // lace sleeved shirt and glasses - Rue21 // boots - Urbanog // purse - gift from mai sister

 Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! <3

I promise my hair didn't look that...hairy? in person. But I hope you like the outfit! I'm glad I wore it on this particular day. I happened to go to Ikea and it was kind of cold, good thing I had my wannabe cardigan shawl. Other than it being cold, it was legit-perfect as always, I absolutely love that place. When I went I bought a mini Christmas tree and lights to go with it, and some scented candles even though it's a bit warm outside - I'll show you soon! And if you haven't been, I suggest you go. Especially in the a.m. for free breakfast :).